
The rich history of the Combined Nightsticks Hockey Team.

A band of brothers from all over Australia coming together to play a sport they love, Hockey.   We had been fierce rivals for many years until we had an opportunity in 2002 to play together on the world stage.  The experience was amazing and the Nightsticks legend was born.  From these humble beginnings we have been getting together as a team and have played around Australia on a regular basis.

After playing against each other countless times every two years at the fire & emergency games it was decided to put together a combined team for the World Masters Games in Melbourne 2002.

After numerous calls and e-mails the inaugural team of 11 was formed.  It was decided to name the team Nightsticks which best described where we came from and what we did as a group.  A trip to the Melbourne Markets and the first emblem was borne.  This emblem has remained with the club over the years.

Nightsticks is based on mateship, a common bond of present and past emergency services background, love of hockey and on having one hell of a time no matter where we go in Australia.  Each trip is memorable both on and off the field.